Perfect Squares

Given a positive integer n, find the least number of perfect square numbers (for example, 1, 4, 9, 16, ...) which sum to n.

Example 1:

Input: n = 12
Output: 3 
Explanation: 12 = 4 + 4 + 4.

Example 2:

Input: n = 13
Output: 2
Explanation: 13 = 4 + 9.
 class Solution {
    public int numSquares(int n) {
   int[] dp = new int[n + 1];
    int near, min;
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        near = (int) Math.sqrt(i);
         min = dp[i - 1];
        for (int j = near; j > 0; j--) {
                min = Math.min(dp[i - j * j], min);
        dp[i] = min + 1;

    return dp[n];

Here, we are going to solve problem using bottom up DP(Dynamic Programming).

1) Initialize dp array having size of n+1.
2) i variable iterates from 1 to n and for each i values we find nearest square number (near variable).
3) j iterates from near to 1 and for each j value we find Math.min(dp[i - j * j], min) . After finding min value, store dp[i] as min+1.
4) Finally, dp[n] contains minimum number of perfect square sum to reach n.

[NOTE]If you take any n, dp[0] to dp[4] have same values.

Consider following example,

For n = 6, O/P is 3 (i.e 1+1+4)

i=1,             i=2,            i=3,              i=4,            i=5               i=6
near =1      near = 4       near = 9      near = 16    near = 25      near = 36
min = 0      min = 1       min = 2       min = 3       min = 1        min = 2
dp[1]= 1     dp[2] = 2     dp[3] = 3    dp[4] = 4     dp[5] = 2     dp[6] = 3

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