Agile History

In this chapter, we are going to learn about Agile. Here, we discussed about few points which we will give you a history and evolution of agile. In whole learning most of the articles are written as points or notes, so that anyone can understand and learn easily.

Source: Google

Agile can be described in many ways. One among those is,

Agile is not a specific model/process, it is a mindset.

During early 1990's many of the light weight development models evolved to overcome drawbacks from Waterfall Model, Iterative Model etc. These includes Rapid Application Development(RAD), Unified process etc.

After few years, around 2001, seventeen software developers together met at resort in Snowbird, Utah to discuss about Lightweight development model. These developers includes: Kent Beck, Dave Thomas, Ward Cunningham, Jeff Sutherland, Steve Mellor, Jon Kern, Brian Marick, Ken Schwaber, Jim Highsmith, Ron Jeffries, Andrew Hunt, James Grenning, Martin Fowler, Arie van Bennekum, Mike Beedle, Robert.C.Martin and Alistair Cockburn,.Together they published about manifesto of Agile Software Development.

Also read : Agile Manifesto

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